I’m Raul Espinosa. I live in Monterrey, Mexico, where I work and research about design thinking.

Since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by how things work. On my 6th birthday, my dad bought me a Black 1981 remote control Firebird Trans Am, and I spent the next few years taking it apart and putting it back together again. I was hooked.

I've loved making things for as long as I can remember and wrote my first program when I was eight years old, just a week after my parents brought home a Mattel Aquarius computer with Microsoft BASIC installed.

Mattel Aquarius

From that moment, I knew I wanted to be a programmer. I spent the next few years learning everything I could about computers, and when I was twelve, I ace all my teachers in every programming class — From that moment, I was determined to be a Computer Scientist.

Today, I'm the founder of Beora, where I have the privilege of doing what I love daily. I'm also the lucky husband of a beautiful wife and the proud father of a fantastic daughter. I couldn't ask for more.